ForceIcon 1.4

utility mainly for use in conjunction with CDRom drives or

Networking software Kai Iske

ForceIcon is © by Kai Iske

Copyright © 1993/94, Kai Iske

The Prefs program uses MUI; MUI is © Stefan Stuntz

MUI version 2.0 or higher (internal version 7) is required

The drawer and document icons were taken from the MagicWB distribution. MagicWB was created by Martin ’XEN’ Huttenloher. The icons are distributed with kind permission by the author. Furthermore the main program‘s and the prefs program‘s icons were created by Martin. Thank‘s!

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1 Copyright

You are allowed to copy and spread this program but only if you do not make any commercial profit out of the program itself and all supported files. The source of ForceIcon is considered teachware and the author claims the right to be the only one to produce and release new versions of ForceIcon. Public Domain vendors are not allowed to sell ForceIcon for more than the price of a regular disk, which should not be higher than 5 Dollars.

ForceIcon is GiftWare, so if you like it and you you want to express your feelings, feel free to send me anything you think of being suited. Postcards, cookies, money, simply anything ;)

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2 Guarantee

The author does not give any guarantee that the program ForceIcon works perfectly. The program was tested and it is used every day, anyway nobody is perfect and that is why I can not take the responsibilty for any damages occured during the usage of ForceIcon.

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3 Evolution/Overview

When I bought my CDRom drive I found out that the Workbench chooses quite stupid positions for icons with no absolute position (from my point of view). Furthermore some CDRom publishers do not seem to care for good looking disk icons (again, from my point of view; if they even supply one). Since I could not snapshot the supplied icon, nor replace it with one of my icons, I thought it would be a good idea to have an utility which does the "snapshotting" or "replacment". This was when ForceIcon came to live.

ForceIcon allows the user to select positions for his/her files, either device dependant or volume dependant, ie. ForceIcon will either monitor all volumes inserted into a device, or just those specified by the user. It is also possible to override the settings for a device if you specify the name of a volume, too. Volumes may ’inherit’�specifc settings of the corresponding device entry (as long as you‘ve defined an entry for the device). Furthermore you may set the root drawer‘s window size/position and display modes/flags.

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4 Installing ForceIcon

NOTE: ForceIcon (both programs) must have a stack of 8192 bytes or more (more recommended)

Installing ForceIcon is not that hard. Simply copy the main program (found in the ‘WBStartUp’ drawer of this archive) and it‘s icon to the ‘SYS:WBStartUp’ drawer, or place it somewhere else and start ForceIcon from within your ‘S:User-StartUp’ file. I suggest you better start ForceIcon from within ‘S:User-StartUp’, so that ForceIcon may apply all patches before Workbench is loaded. If you do start it from ‘S:User-StartUp’ then you‘d better not copy it to ‘SYS:WBStartUp’ ;)

When starting from within ‘S:User-StartUp’ issue the following line :

Run <NIL: >NIL: ForceIcon

If you want to quit the main program, simply start it again, or select ’Quit’ from the Prefs program.

Now copy the Prefs program and it‘s icon to a suitable location (like ‘SYS:Prefs’). The Prefs program may be found in the ‘Prefs’ drawer of this archive.

You may configure ForceIcon Prefs using the following ToolType/Commandline option.


Due to the fact that the Prefs program uses MUI to create it‘s UserInterface, it is quite memory consuming. That‘s why I added this switch, which will cause the Prefs program to flush memory on exit, thus removing all the libraries etc.pp not needed anymore resulting in more free memory.

This option may be used within the icon‘s ToolType field or on the Commandline.

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5 Using ForceIcon; Preferences program

If you have installed the AmigaGuide© document you may retrieve online-help by pressing <HELP> in one of the windows. The main window is divided into three sensitive areas. The left ListView part, the right ListView part and the remaining parts of the window. Pressing help in either of them will bring up a different page of the document, ie. it‘s a context sensitive HELP facility.

From within the main window you may configure ForceIcon to suit your needs and disks. The main window is divided into two parts.

The entries within the Listview gadgets show volumes/devices. Devices will be drawn in black, whilst Volumes will be drawn in white.

The five gadgets at the bottom of the window are to be used as follows:


Will copy the current settings to ‘ENV:ForceIcon_prefs.iffand to ‘ENVARC:ForceIcon_prefs.iff’, thus leading to permanent storage of your settings. The Prefs program will quit.


Will copy the current settings to ‘ENV:ForceIcon_prefs.iff’, thus leading to temporary storage. The Prefs program will quit.


Displays about notices


Will close all windows and quit the Prefs program.


Will close all windows and remove ForceIcon (main program) from memory.

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5.1 Left ListView and buttons

The ListView gadget labeled ’Used volumes/devices’�at the left side of the window shows all devices/volumes ForceIcon will act on. This is the list of entries you may edit. Double clicking on an entry from the list will bring up the edit window so you may edit the selected entry (see section Edit entry).

Every time an entry is added to the list, the list will be sorted, so that volumes are shown first. This is due to the fact, that volumes have a higher priority over devices, so that you may force a volume‘s icon to an other position than the position specified for the device, the volume was mounted from.

Below there are three buttons for editing, these are :

Edit entry...

Same as double clicking on an entry from the list. It will bring up the edit window with all the data of the selected entry (see section Edit entry).

Copy entry...

This will let you copy the selected entry with all the settings that come with it. The manual input window will pop up asking for a new name for the copied entry, so that no doubles will be added to the list (see section Manual input). ForceIcon will reject to accept doubles.

Remove entry

Simple, I guess. This one will remove the selected entry from the list of used devices/volumes. Note: There will be no warning; just a delete.

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5.2 Right ListView and buttons

This ListView gadget labeled ’Available volumes/devices’ keeps a list of all available volumes/devices currently known to the system. If a device handler wasn‘t launched before the prefs program was launched, the device won‘t show up in this list, ie. if you mount some devices with ’Mount=0’ then the device won‘t show up as long as it hasn‘t been accessed. You may double click on an entry in order to copy it to the ’Used volumes/devices’�ListView (see section Left ListView and buttons). Again, there are three gadgets below that ListView, which are :

Add entry

This will act as if you have double clicked on an entry from the list. It will copy the selected entry to the ’Used volumes/devices’�list, as long as it wasn‘t added before, ie. you may not have more than one instance of an entry in that list.

Add manually...

If a volume/device isn‘t mounted yet, you may add it‘s name manually using the manual input window (see section Manual input).

Rescan list

Will cause ForceIcon to re-scan the list of available volumes/devices in order to update the list of the ListView gadget. This might be of use, when a volume/device gets mounted after you‘ve opened the main window.

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5.2.1 Edit an entry

This is the window containing all the gadgets to customize an entry. There are 16 gadgets which will be explained more in detail now.

For ’IconPos’, ’Use Icon’, ’Use window’ and ’Use flags’�there are three modes available. I will explain the meaning of these mode now, so that nobody misses anything:


This is simple. Settings for such a group will be simply ignored.


If a specific group is set to ’Use’�the group‘s settings will be used for the entry.


This is a more sophisticated mode. For volume entries it let‘s you specify that the entry should inherit the settings of the corresponding device for that group, ie. you don‘t have to copy/reset all settings for volumes of a specific device. Simply inherit some settings.

Example: Assume you have an entry for the device CD0:. This entry will use a different icon position and icon image. Now let‘s assume you have a CD-Rom you want no icon image substitution for. So create a volume entry and set the icon image to ’Ignore’�while setting the icon position to ’Inherit’. This way the icon position of the original will be set to what you have specified in the device entry, whilst the image won‘t be changed; the original image will pop up.

NOTE ’Inherit’�is only of use for volume entries. Device entries will act as if ’Ignore’�is set when you specify ’Inherit’.

Now to the gadgets themselves


This is the String gadget containing the volume‘s/device‘s name. Simply edit it, if you want to change the name of the monitored entry. Patterns for the name may be used as well (see section Using wildcards, for more).


Allows you to change the type of entry you are editing. You may choose between ’Volume’�and ’Device’.


Using this gadget you may tell ForceIcon to ’patch’�the position of the entry‘s file. If selected you may use the Position window or the Integer gadgets to determine the position of the icon. If not selected, the position of the selected entry‘s file will be set to NO_ICON_POSITION so that Workbench may choose a suitable location for it.

CurrentX / CurrentY

These Integer gadgets may be used to manually set the icon‘s position. They will be updated if you move the position window. These gadgets won‘t be active as long as you don‘t specifiy ’IconPos’


Using this gadget you may open the position window, a small window which may be moved around your Workbench in order to determine the position of the icon. This gadget won‘t be available as long as you don‘t specify ’IconPos’

Use Icon

If you want to substitute the of an entry, check ’Use Icon’�and you may select an alternative Icon file.


Using this String gadget you may set the name of an alternative icon which should be used in place of the original file. This one can only be used as long as ’Use Icon’ is active. The GetFile gadget at the right of the String gadget may be used to select an icon file using a FileRequester. Any sort of icon may be used. You are not restricted to use DRAWER or DISK type icons. Anything else will do it. ForceIcon will expand the loaded icon accordingly.

Use window

If you don‘t like the original position/size of the volume‘s window, you may check this gadget in order to specify a new position and size for the window.

Left, Top, Width, Height

These Integer gadgets specify the position/size of the window to use for the entry. The contents of the gadgets will be updated if you move/size the ’Drawer window’


Using this Cycle gadget you can open/close the (demo) Drawer window, you may move around the screen and resize. This gadget won‘t be available as long as you don‘t set ’Use window’

Use flags

You probably know the ’Show’�and ’View by’�menu entries from the ’Window’�menu of your Workbench. These flags specify how to display the contents of a drawer window. If you check this gadget, you may select any possible combination from the ’Flags’ gadget, which will then be used for the window. NOTE: This function uses undocumented features of the OS. I can not guarantee that this function will work with future versions of the OS.


Select any combination for the ’Show’�and ’View by’�flags.

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5.2.2 Manual input

This window is used to manually add a new name to the list of used devices/volumes or if you try to copy an entry. A window will pop up containing a String gadget and a Cycle gadget.

The String gadget may be used to enter the new device‘s/volume‘s name. You may of course enter a pattern for a device‘s/volume‘s name here (see section Using wildcards, for more).

To determine the type of entry you are editing, use the Cycle gadget underneith the String gadget. You may choose between ’Device’�and ’Volume’. This step is necessary because ForceIcon has to know how to deal with the entry.

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5.2.3 Using wildcards

For a device‘s/volume‘s name you may enter a pattern for the ease of setting up definitions for several drives using a single entry. All standard AmigaDOS wildcards are supported. Please consult your user‘s manual to find out which they are and how to use them.

Here are some examples:

For setting all volumes/devices which start with "ABC" and end up with "XYZ" you‘ll enter


If you want all devices/volumes but the ones which end up with XYZ you‘ll enter


Say you have several devices starting with FF followed by a number which indicates the unit number (like FF0: for example). You‘ll enter


That‘s all about it. Simple, isn‘t it? This way you won‘t have to add dozens of entries with all the same settings to the list, thus reducing the size of the list and the time to create it.

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6 Notes on MagicWB

As stated above some icons were taken from the MagicWB distribution, created by Martin ’XEN’ Huttenloher. Most of you might already know MagicWB. If so, you may skip this part. This is only for newbies.

MagicWB is a special set of icons, fonts and patterns for an 8 color Workbench, which will give a very impressive and professional look to your Workbench. Due to the fact that MagicWB icons rely on an 8 color Workbench and a special set of color settings you might have noticed that the icons look kind of strange on your normal setup. If you want to have an impression on how the icons look in reality set the Workbench‘s screen depth to 8 colors and utilize the supplied color prefs files located in ‘Prefs/env-archive/sys’ of this archive, in order to set your palette to the MagicWB colors. There are two files within this directory:


This is the color palette for use under OS 2.x. Load this file into your Palette editor and select ’Use’


This is the color palette for use under OS 3.x. Load this into your Palette editor accordingly and select ’Use’

I strongly recommend that you get hold of MagicWB. It‘s simply great.

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7 Whom I must say ’thank you’

I would like to thank the following people

Martin Taillefer

For answering several questions

Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel

For suggestions and beta-testing

Ralph Babel

For suggestions on how to implement device dependancy and for pointing me to a "bug".

Henning Schmiedehausen

Who sent in the diffs for the changes he made on ForceIcon

Christopher A. Wichura

For plenty of suggestions

Stefan "stuntzi" Stuntz

For MUI and the nice ’Nasen’�phone calls

Martin 'XEN'�Huttenloher

For the special ForceIcon icons and for MagicWB. Furthermore for the nice chats (Nase, Bauch)...

My girlfriend

Who accepts what I‘m doing

...and all the others I forgot

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8 How to obtain updates

ForceIcon will be available on ADS, FRAS, FTP, and Fred Fish disks (CDs) as soon as there is a new release available.

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9 How to contact the author

If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports or anything else you want to tell me, you may contact me under one of these addresses.

Either use normal snail mail:

Kai Iske
Brucknerstrasse 18
63452 Hanau
Tel.: +49-(0)6181-850181

or reach me using electronical mail

FIDO:     Kai Iske, 2:244/6302.11

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10 We got to do a commercial, now, kids. See you after these messages

Well, as you are reading this documentation, I want to point you to some other programs I wrote:

KCommodity 2.5a

Multifunctional commodity for OS 2.0 and up. Includes window-activator, time-display in several modes and formats, alarm function, KeyStroke-Clicker, time to environment, Window/Screen cycling, LeftyMouse, ESC-Key can close Windows, Revision Control System, telefone bill calculator, Screen-/Mouse-Blanker, Mapping of german "Umlauts", PopUp Shell, AppIcon support, LeftyMouse, user definable HotKeys. Fully controllable via ARexx-Port,Exploding Windows, Screen Dimmer, Mouse accelerator. It incorporates the features of several smaller tools in one whole with a "User Interface Style Guide" compliant GUI in order to let the user have a simple control panel for all the functions. It comes as three different programs in order to minimize size. These programs are: The main program (running all the time), the Prefs program (for setting up KCommodity; only launched on demand, thus reducing memory usage), and a special Screen grabber type program which will be launched as soon as you hit a specific HotKey. Using this grabber you may copy Screen/Winodow contents to a gfx-capable printer or even to an IFF-ILBM file. KCommodity is completely localized to nearly every language supported by the system and even comes with a new language file for suomi.

MUIProCalc 1.3

MUIProCalc is a MUI-based calculator much like Jimmy Yang‘s Calc 3.0. It still lacks the plotter, but it offers a quite flexible history facility for inserting previously entered expressions. Different output formats offered and plenty of functions the user may choose from. Furthermore the look of the calculator may be customized. ARexx Port for ease of calculating from within an editor. Some functions are able to return TeX compatible output. Results or inputs may be copied to the Clipboard.

MUIProCalc comes with a fancy GUI you may configure to your needs. Function gadgets may be flipped through using pages so that they don‘t eat up too much of space. MUIProCalc supports an input/output history you may configure so that you may re-insert previously entered expressions/results. History entries may be copied to a userdefiniable clipboard unit. It features various display/output bases such as decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary and of course calculation sizes ranging from 8 Bit to 32 Bit width. Angles may be displayed as radians or degrees. MUIProCalc offers an ARexx port you may use to calc expressions externally. These commands are able to return TeX compatible output such as "1\\cdot 10^{-5}". It comes with two example scripts for use with CED Pro.

Move 1.10

This is not just another Move command it features more: Recursive directory movements (including creation of destination dir), pattern support, and command line flags like those known from e.g. C:Rename...and many, many more

Man 1.12

This is a simple MAN command, known from UNIX systems. The advantage is, that it recognizes .guide files to be AmigaGuide� documents. MAN then uses a different viewer in order to display the AmigaGuide� document. Furthermore MAN recognizes TeX-DVI files as well, using a different viewer to display them. You may configure MAN using environment variables.

Touch 1.4

Touch is another Unix style Touch command for the Amiga. For every given file (including patterns) it will set the time and date to the current system time and date. If a given file does not exist it will be created then, just the way Unix Touch handles non existent files.

BreakName 37.0

BreakName is an addition to the well known C:Break command. It may break CLI processes by issuing either the complete path+filename, or simply the filename of the process to break. Useful for breaking from within scripts

All these programs may be found on AmiNet or on Fish Disks/CDs.

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11 Program history

Revision V1.4
created on Saturday, 19.02.94 01:27:31  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 24.03.94 16:43:23  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - EditEntry window‘s cycle gadgets (IconPos, UseIcon etc..)
    are volume type senstive now, ie Ignore,Use,Inherit will be
    available when Type is set to "Volume",  while Ignore and
    Use are available when editing a device.
    (Suggested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Wednesday, 23.03.94 12:49:17  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Inheritance of device settings is individually controlled
    for every entry through a cycle gadget, so that you may
    tell which items to inherit and which to ignore, or use.
    (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Tuesday, 22.03.94 23:19:46  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - You may now force Window size/position and flags
    (display flags)
    (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Tuesday, 22.03.94 18:32:58  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - The ListViews will show volumes in white color now, so
    that you may distinguish whether an entry is a Volume or a
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:58:56  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Diskobject for Iconify Gadget will obtained from the
    program‘s icon
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:52:54  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Added online-help support
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 17:17:15  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Made behaviour of obtaining settings from a device entry
    for a volume entry switchable from ToolTypes/commandline
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 16:24:58  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - ForceIcon will use memory pools for allocations now.
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 16:23:41  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - For volumes, for which some flags aren‘t set (like IconPos or
    UseIcon) ForceIcon will take the settings of the device
    the volume resides in as long as it is a) defined and b)
    the missing flag is set there.
    (Suggested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 15:43:18  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - DiskChanges on startup protected by Semaphore
    (Suggested by: Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 19.03.94 15:42:06  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - LoadPrefs() protected by Semaphore
    (Suggested by: Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 17.03.94 18:24:44  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - If you quit the EditEntry window using "OK", ForceIcon_Prefs
    will send a disk change to the device in question...
  - Improved semaphore locking mechanism. Chris didn‘t like it,
    so I changed it, even though I can‘t see his point (for now)
    (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Wednesday, 16.03.94 22:23:30  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Added FlushMemory switch/tooltype
  - Only devices in the list (or their volumes) will get a
    disk change on startup now
    (Requested by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Wednesday, 16.03.94 22:22:13  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Added server prefs concept. ForceIcon is a simple program
    now, w/o any GUI. A seperate Prefs Editor has been added
    (using MUI) to configure ForceIcon.
  - Rearrangement of List after editing an entry didn‘t work
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 19:32:33  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Again changed the routine for getting the list of available
    (Suggestions by : Ralph Babel)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 19:31:48  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Didn‘t convert a string to upper-case before calling
    ParsePatternNoCase(). This has to be done for OS 37
    (Reported by : Christopher A. Wichura)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 12.03.94 14:23:12  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Added special code to check for block mounted devices.
    (Supplied by : Christopher A. Wichura. Thanks Chris)
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 10.03.94 14:23:11  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - When adding a new item to the list, another entry could
    loose the settings for the IconPos gadget. This was due to a
    bug in the sorting routine. Fixed
    (Reported by : Mark ’TheMug’�Rose)
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 10.03.94 14:02:35  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Patterns for Volumes and Devices supported now
 -*-  changed on Sunday, 06.03.94 17:38:53  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - When launched ForceIcon will now make all connected disks
    disk change, in order to reposition the icons. This way you
    may launch ForceIcon from within your WBStartUp now
    (Requested by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
 -*-  changed on Sunday, 06.03.94 17:20:31  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Enforcer Hit for illegal Locks fixed
    (Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
  - Windows will pop up on default PubScreen now
    (Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
 -*-  changed on Sunday, 27.02.94 17:52:56  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - More security checks when removing patches
    (Requested/Changed by : Henning Schmiedehausen)
 -*-  created on Saturday, 19.02.94 01:27:31  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - ForceIcon didn‘t clone all of the window‘s flags
  - For some icon-substitutes, ForceIcon didn‘t clone anything
    (Reported by : Michael ’Mick’�Hohmann)

Revision V1.3
created on Sunday, 02.01.94 15:31:32  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Code cleanup
  - Partial rewrite of docs

Revision V1.2
created on Tuesday, 07.12.93 18:10:09  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Entries may be copied now

Revision V1.1
created on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:11:14  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 27.11.93 02:12:59  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Recompiled using SAS 6.50
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 18:14:21  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - ForceIcon will adopt the orig. window position and size now.
    (Suggested by : Michael ’Mick’ Hohmann and me)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 18:03:08  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Icons weren‘t positions as set with the Position window.
    (Reported by : Michael ’Mick’ Hohmann)
  - Misleading explanation removed from docs
    (Reported by : Michael ’Mick’ Hohmann)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 17:33:51  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - The X/Y coordinates may be set manually, now.
    (Requested by : Michael ’Mick’ Hohmann)
 -*-  changed on Saturday, 20.11.93 17:24:20  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Edit Entry window‘s gadget used ’I’ twice
    (Reported by : Michael ’Mick’ Hohmann)
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 11.11.93 18:43:27  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - You may now tell ForceIcon not to patch the position, but
    rather let WB chose a good place. (Good when importing
    volumes via network)
 -*-  changed on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:23:00  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - ListView gadgets weren‘t adjusted for OS 2.x. - Should check
    for OS 2.x sometime ;)
    (Reported by : Bernhard Moellemann)
  - Changed needed Versions of some libraries from 37 to 36
 -*-  created on Tuesday, 02.11.93 23:11:14  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - If there wasn‘t a filename for the Icon-File the
    FileRequester sometimes showed a weird Drawer-Name
    (Reported by : Dirk Federlein)

Revision V1.0
created on Wednesday, 20.10.93 17:19:27  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
 -*-  changed on Thursday, 28.10.93 17:35:28  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
  - Suggestions for device dependancy by Ralph Babel
  - Bug "found" by Ralph Babel
  - Pos window used to open on default pubscreen, not on WB.
    (Reported by : Bernhard Moellemann)
 -*-  created on Wednesday, 20.10.93 17:19:27  by  Kai Iske.   LogMessage :
    — Initial release —

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